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Frequently asked questions

Do you have any unanswered questions? Feel free to reach out to us at contactus@backtester.com

  • Is it possible to backtest multiple trading strategies simultaneously?

    Yes, you can backtest multiple trading strategies simultaneously with Backtester. This feature allows you to analyze various strategies concurrently, providing comprehensive insights into their performance.

  • Does Backtester have an affiliate program?

    Currently, we do not offer an affiliate program. However, we are open to collaborations with communities that align with our values and goals. If you're an administrator of a community interested in partnering with us, please reach out to us at contactus@backtester.com with evidence of your admin status and screenshots showcasing your presence on platforms like Discord.

  • Which markets can I backtest with Backtester?

    Backtester supports backtesting across various markets, including stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, and more. You can explore and analyze your strategies across a diverse range of markets to enhance your trading decisions.

  • Can I import my historical trade data into Backtester?

    Yes, you can import your historical trade data into Backtester. This functionality enables you to analyze past trades and evaluate the performance of your strategies over time. By importing your data, you can gain valuable insights and refine your trading approach.